Introduction of Equipment
The milling cutting type flying cut-off cold saw is developed from advanced technology to fit the demand of markets in burr-free cutting for round pipes, square pipe, and shaped pipes.
Advantages of the Equipment:
(1) Cold saw milling cutting produces a small amount of heat during cutting to prevent heat stress and micro-structure change. Low cutting pressure can also prevent defamation in the cutting area.
(2) Fixed length accuracy: Accuracy ±2mm. For pipes with tight tolerance, this equipment can eliminate the secondary cutting to save time and material.
(3) Cutting Quality: Adopt optimized cutting curve to evenly distribute the cutting area to produce flat and clean cutting surface with little burrs. It does not require post-process, e.g. flat head chamfer, to remove burrs to save time and material.
(4) Advanced Technology: Adopt Siemens’ Servo Motors to power the driving, cutting, and feeding devices. Adopt Bosch Rexroth-Star’s linear guide rail. Use NC control module with optimized software to achieve automatic cutting. The software will use the input product spec to calculate the cutting parameters automatically.
(5) Operation and Maintenance: The touch screen makes the input process clear and easy. It also displays the running conditions of all machines. The equipment requires only normal lubrication and cleaning in each shift.
(6) Safety: Cutting line-speed is around 200 MPM. In case of bursting, it will not create either personal or equipment damage.
Model: FMS XD-76 NC Milling Flying Saw
Cutting Type: Cold Saw Milling Type
Hands of Operations: To Be Advised
Line Center Level: 950 mm or Advised By Customer
Production Capability:
Maximum O.D.: φ76mm
Minimum O.D.: φ25.4mm
Maximum Wall Thickness: 3.2 mm
Minimum Wall Thickness: 1.0 mm
Tube Cut Length: 4 m to 10 m or Advised By Customer
Cut Length Tolerance + 2 mm
Maximum Line speed: 100 MPM @ 6 m Tube Length
Number. of Saw Blade: 1
Saw Blade Materials: High Speed Steel or TCT
Maximum O.D. of Saw Blade: 400 mm
Thickness of Saw Blade: 2.5 mm
Saw Cooling: High Pressure Emulsion
Maximum Speed for Saw Carriage: 272 MPM
Maximum Distance of Saw Carriage Traverse: 2831 mm
Saw Cutting Motor Power: 7.0 KW
Saw Blade Feeding Motor: 2.5 KW
Saw Carriage Motor Power: 10.5 KW
Equipment Summary:
The equipment is consisting of Saw Carriage, Main Base, Motor Drive Units, Measurement Devices, Electrical Control System, Hydraulic System and Cooling System.Saw Carriage is composed with variable frequency AC motors for cutting movement and saw blade feed in, gear reducers, saw blade, hydraulic clamping, entry guided device, ball bearing and beeline rail.
The whole carriage is moved by its motor drive unit composed with servo motor, reducer and isochronous cincture.
There are two sets of hydraulic clamps located before and after saw cutting unit to secure the stability of tube during the cutting and ensure smooth cutting movement. The clamps are easy to change and set up.
The length measurement device includes the pneumatic device, measure roll, adjusting device and encoder. The measure roll was pushed down by the pneumatic device on the surface of the pipe. The tube moves the measure roll. The parameters send to main control system by the encoder to reach the isochronous function.
The whole electrical control system is made of SIEMENS components
I/O Module: ET200
Human Interface: OP270
SIEMENS SINAMICS for Servo Drive Process Control
Servo motors: SIEMENS.
Profibus DP for the data and signal exchange